Christian Realism for Terrifying Times

Full Title Christian Realism for Terrifying Times: A Transatlantic Introduction from Niebuhr, Butterfield, and Kuyper

This lecture will feature an introduction to Christian Realism as a trans-Atlantic movement, one with peculiar notes, but consistent, Augustinian themes, in each of its home countries. In conversation with Abraham Kuyper, Herbert Butterfield, and the well-known American, Reinhold Niebuhr, we will introduce Christian Realism by looking at the "Amsterdam School," the early-English School, and the American School of Christian Realism in international relations, and the diverse accents that emerge as distinct from a middle-power, a fallen super-power, and a rising super-power context. Taken together, these thinkers and the schools they represent, give us an important picture of "Christian Realism for Terrifying Times."


Recommended Readings

Providence Magazine

Comment Magazine

The Review of Faith & International Affairs

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