Patrick Garry, Ph.D. is a law professor in constitutional history. He has testified before Congress on constitutional issues and is a contributor to The Oxford Companion to the U.S. Supreme Court. He is the author of numerous constitutional law books, including Wrestling With God: The Court's Tortuous Treatment of Religion (2007) and An Entrenched Legacy: How the New Deal Constitutional Revolution Continues to Shape the Role of the Supreme Court (2007). Garry is a noted First Amendment scholar. He is a contributor to The First Amendment Law Handbook, The Encyclopedia of the First Amendment and The Supreme Court Review, and has authored the award-winning book Limited Government and the Bill of Rights. He is founder and former director of the Hagemann Center of Legal and Public Policy Research, and his latest book is The False Promise of Big Government: How Washington Helps the Rich and Hurts the Poor. In addition to his scholarly writings, he has been a featured columnist for several popular audience news and opinion websites and journals.