JoAnn Flett is an Organizational Consultant for Partners Worldwide. She is the recent recipient of a U.S. Fulbright Scholar’s award to Trinidad and Tobago and will be teaching there in January – May 2020 at the University of the West Indies. She is a frequent speaker and collaborator to various groups about the intersection of faith and business. Her most recent collaborative project is with B-Lab, Local First, Sojourners, and Solidarity Capital, who together are envisioning a Sacred Economy.
She currently serves on and advises the boards of numerous nonprofit organizations that include: The Accord Network (100+ faith-based international development agencies); Geneva Global - Capital for Good (a performance philanthropy firm), Board Street Ministry (non-profit serving the most vulnerable Philadelphians), Everence Financial (Philadelphia Initiative), Initiate Australia (a social enterprise in Melbourne, Austraila).