Chris R. Armstrong, Ph.D., is an author, an educator, an academic entrepreneur, and a church historian (Duke Ph.D., Gordon-Conwell M.A.). Chris has served as program fellow at the Kern Family Foundation since March 2019. He taught from 2004 to 2013 at Bethel Seminary, St Paul, Minn., where he founded and directed an initiative on faith, work, and economics called Work with Purpose. From 2014 to 2018 he served as faculty member and founding director of Opus: The Art of Work at Wheaton College (Ill.).
Chris took up church history to learn how Christians have lived out their understandings of God, humanity, and the world; the same impulse drives his current research on faith, vocation, and human flourishing. His recent book Medieval Wisdom for Modern Christians: Finding Authentic Faith in a Forgotten Age with C.S. Lewis (Brazos, 2016) turns to medieval faith for guidance on living well today in our natural, social, and cultural worlds. Chris blogs at and serves as senior editor of Christian History magazine.